Creator | Shichimi Takakura |
Japanese Title | |
Japanese Title (Romaji) | Ore-sama Neko no Bed Dokusen Nikki Omae no Ue ni wa Ore Shika Noseruna |
Japanese Publisher | futurecomics |
English Publisher | Renta |
Where to Buy/Read
“Our owner belongs to me, and you belong to me too!” Bed is upset with Tama’s aggressive attitude. Then one day, a new guest comes to Bed and before long he’s saying,”Play with my body. Please…” Don’t miss the story of weepy but adorable Bed, and Tama the cat who runs hot and cold. The popular “objects come to life” theme in yaoi is here with the story of a cat and a bed.
Creator | Shichimi Takakura |
Japanese Title | |
Japanese Title (Romaji) | Ore-sama Neko no Bed Dokusen Nikki Omae no Ue ni wa Ore Shika Noseruna |
Japanese Publisher | futurecomics |
English Publisher | Renta |
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