Creator | Eikichi |
Japanese Title | |
Japanese Title (Romaji) | Sensei Otonashiku Aeide nayo Ore janakya Dame ni shiteageru |
Japanese Publisher | Bevy |
English Publisher | Renta |
Where to Buy/Read
Yuta, a brash delinquent, has fallen for Mr. Tsutsui, his homeroom teacher. Tsutsui is serious, cowardly at times, and often scolds Yuta, but he always watches out for him… and Yuta finds this caring side of him adorable. He feels it’s unfair that they can never get past their “teacher and student” relationship, though. One day, Yuta gets so annoyed at how unbending Tsutsui is about it all, he makes a move on him! Yuta can barely hold himself back as he sees how flustered his teacher becomes…
Creator | Eikichi |
Japanese Title | |
Japanese Title (Romaji) | Sensei Otonashiku Aeide nayo Ore janakya Dame ni shiteageru |
Japanese Publisher | Bevy |
English Publisher | Renta |
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