
Lovers for Life by Okonomitsu

My calm, collected and handsome boyfriend, Kazuya, loves his job selling furniture more than me. But all I want to do is shower him with love! I want us to become even closer! I want to touch him! I want to connect with him!! …Are my feelings one-sided!? Tetsuo Hayashibara works in a hair salon above the furniture shop that employs his beloved boyfriend, Kazuya Tachibana… But there’s trouble in paradise. Kazuya seems to like his job more than anything else and Tetsu’s too afraid to take their relationship to the next level… What’s going to happen to the two of them!? In addition to Kazuya and Tetsu’s romance, this volume features four other comics, including a story about a debt collector who falls in love with a crossdressing young man, a bittersweet love triangle featuring Tetsu’s boss and a tale of identical twins.


Japanese Title
Japanese Title (Romaji)Shougai no Koibito
Japanese PublisherBrite Publishing
English PublisherRenta

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